Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The Knowledge War on Diabetes

Diabetes is a disease that affects people lives daily. My family member struggle with this disease for years therefore this topic is dear to my heart. This is not a disease that people should ignore. You could lose your body limbs if your diabetes is not control. In some cases this disease takes peoples life.

What is diabetes?
Diabetes is a disease when a person has high blood sugar level.

What causes diabetes?
Your body insulin production or when your body cells are not responding to the amount of insulin your body is producing.

What are classic signs of diabetes?
Increase hunger - Frequent Urination – Increased Thirst - Unexplained Tiredness
If you have any of the above symptoms please contact your medical doctor.

Don’t let diabetes control your life, you control it! There are many solutions to help you control you diabetes, get in the fight for your life, because the war on diabetes can be won with knowledge!
Get info and Get Healthy!

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