Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Stress - The Silent Killer

Stress is one of the most ignored risks to our health and weight loss. Stress is so dangerous to our health that it can actually kill us. When our body is under stress it releases a higher level of adrenalin to help, your body cope with the stressful situation. The chain physiological response to a stressful situation is the same for everybody. The danger occurs more when you are overweight or under weight. Depending on what kind of stress that is present, the response can be either eating too much or not eating at all. Emotional stress seems to make you binge and eat more you should or need to. You will never have a life that is completely stress free, but the SECRET to a less stressful life is stress management. How you handle the stress in your life makes all the difference when it comes to your physical and emotional health. The best way to release stress is to take a stroll. Walk for at least 30 minutes a day and I guarantee you will release stress.  Another way to release stress is a massage. Massages get rid of unwanted toxins you release in your blood stream during stressful times in your life. If you are going through a stressful time in your life it helps if you stay away from caffeine and junk food with no nutritional value because it release stress hormones.

Are you ready to release stress?

Be Healthy,
R. Cain

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