Thursday, March 24, 2011

Superfoods for Weight Loss

Every Spring I believe you should detoxify your body for optimum weight loss, so I’m always researching for the best super-foods to help detoxify the body. I have 3 top choices that I would like to share because I believe these are the best and most powerful superfoods on earth to detoxify the body for optimum health as well.

Amla (Indian Gooseberries) - Is my 1st choice and by far the most effective superfood I have ever used. It has 20 times more vitamin C than an orange. When I take this superfood I can feel the effects the same day.

Chlorella Green Alga – Is my 2nd choice! I must have this superfood in my house at all times. Clinical studies prove that this superfood could detoxify the body. I think that the chlorella powder helps my body better than the pills. I put the powder in my morning smoothie, to mask the taste.

Acai Berries- Is my 3rd choice for an excellent superfood. I do not consider this superfood a weight loss supplement but a great superfood to detoxify your body before starting a weight loss program. I ONLY purchase Acai berry juice, never the supplements. I believe fresh juice helps with cell regeneration.

Spring is the time for re-birth & re-growth, the best way to re-grow your body cells is to detoxify! Happy Detox! Your body will thank you in the winter!

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