Saturday, March 26, 2011

Major Factors for Heart Disease

Do you know that your heart is the size of your fist? Your heart is very powerful and with every beat it pumps blood at the rate of about five quart per minute throughout your body in a single day.  It also pumps about 200 gallon of blood and beats more than 100,000 times a day. When you are overweight your heart works even harder.  Below is a list of things you can change, which are major factors for heart disease.

·        Overweight or Obesity
·        Diet
·        High Blood Pressure
·        Smoking
·        Having Diabetes
·        Stress
·        Depression
·        Inactive Lifestyle

You can’t change your age, family history, or gender, but you can change your diet and how active you are in your lifestyle. Your life is worth living, so protect your heart and get in the health fight!

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